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Ayurvedic Geriatric Health Care Canada

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Ayurveda, the ancient Indian traditional system of medicine is essentially the science of life and longevity. It carries a treasure of pro-nature holistic geriatric health care modalities. It deliberates on the science and philosophy of life and longevity with the goal of healthy aging and long life to achieve the Purusartha catustaya ie the Four fundamental Instincts of human life viz. Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksa.

Ayurvedic potent herbs like Ashwagandha are already popular in the west. At Ayush For Life, we thrive and practice Ayurvedic classical principles to provide the elderly better care, by promoting longevity and good health through life style measures, dietary care, and use of rejuvenative remedies called Rasayana therapy.

Ayurvedic Geriatric Care

What does Ayurvedic Geriatric Care at Ayush For Life Looks like?

Ayurvedic Rasayana Therapy: Aims to revitalize old body tissues by strengthening the body and building immunity in seniors, leading to youthful energy, nourishing blood and body tissues, and delayed aging.

Ayurvedic Manas Therapy: It benefits seniors by handling emotional imbalances, preventing and treating mental disorders like dementia and depression, disturbed sleeping or insomnia, with the help of ayurvedic formulations, panchakarma procedures, and counseling sessions.

Ayurvedic Panchakarma Therapy: Including various light Panchakarma procedures like Janu Basti (Ayurvedic knee joint therapy), Pada Abhyanga (Ayurvedic Foot Massage), Kati Basti (Ayurvedic Lower Back Therapy), and so on, based on the physical condition.

Yoga for Seniors

Yoga for Seniors: Specialized yoga exercises for the elderly, considering their chronic physical ailments, which they can efficiently perform.

Ayurvedic Massage Therapy: Dedicated to our respected seniors, Mobile Massage Therapy, i.e., massage therapy at your doorstep, is provided.

Ayurvedic Marma Therapy: Energizing your specialized vital points in your body to kick off the healing process with the gentleness they require.

Ahara Samiksha: Complete help and support with the Ayurvedic Geriatric healthy recipes considering Vata predominance.

Vihara Samiksha: Complete help and support with the Ayurvedic Geriatric Lifestyle regimen taking their physical and mental conditions into consideration.

Gold Ayurvedic Geriatric Care Package

Gold Ayurvedic Geriatric Care Package:

  • Ahara Samiksha (Complete Ayurvedic Customized Dietary Support)
  • Vihara Samiksha (Complete Ayurvedic Customized Lifestyle Support)
  • Ayurvedic Manas Therapy (Ayurvedic Positive mindset building techniques)
  • Ayurvedic Massage Therapy- 60 minutes (1 Session)
Diamond Ayurvedic Geriatric Care Package

Diamond Ayurvedic Geriatric Care Package:

  • Ahara Samiksha (Complete Ayurvedic Customized Dietary Support)
  • Vihara Samiksha (Complete Ayurvedic Customized Lifestyle Support)
  • Ayurvedic Manas Therapy (Ayurvedic Positive mindset building techniques)
  • Ayurvedic Massage Therapy- 60 minutes (3 Sessions)
  • Ayurvedic Rasayana Therapy (Customized Ayurvedic Rejuvenative therapy)
  • Phone and Text support for consistent guidance and mentoring
Platinum Ayurvedic Geriatric Care Package

Platinum Ayurvedic Geriatric Care Package:

  • Ahara Samiksha (Complete Ayurvedic Customized Dietary Support)
  • Vihara Samiksha (Complete Ayurvedic Customized Lifestyle Support)
  • Ayurvedic Manas Therapy (Ayurvedic Positive mindset building techniques)
  • Ayurvedic Massage Therapy- 60 minutes (5 Sessions)
  • Ayurvedic Rasayana Therapy (Customized Ayurvedic Rejuvenative therapy)
  • Yoga Sessions- 30 minutes (2 sessions) Customized to tackle health issues
  • Phone and Text support for consistent guidance and mentoring

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