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Ayurvedic Postpartum Care Waterloo, Canada

Home ­­» Ayurvedic Postpartum Care Waterloo, Canada

Attaining motherhood is a unique and delightful event in every woman‘s life. Becoming a mother is one of the most rewarding as well as challenging experience. At this phase, you are in need of proper support, guidance and encouragement in order to cope-up with new attainments.

That’s why we are here to support you in your postpartum journey using the ancient wisdom, the mother of all healing sciences, called Ayurveda

The Sootika Paricharya mentioned in Ayurveda provides holistic care to both mother and her new born.

Ayurveda Postpartum Care Canada

What does an Ayurvedic Postpartum Care look like?

  • Ayurvedic Marma therapy: Stimulation of vital energy points on your body to expedite the healing from childbirth
  • Ayurvedic body works called as Sutika Abhyanga with herbs infused oils.
  • Ayurvedic Emotional support (Manas Chikitsa) – a safe space to talk about your personal experience and parenting worries and how Ayurveda can help you
  • Complete support and help with Ayurvedic Postpartum healing recipes (Ahara Samiksha)
  • Complete help and support with Ayurvedic Postpartum lifestyle regimen (Vihara Samiksha)
  • Community resources and referrals
  • Ayurvedic Feeding support – Natural ways to help you with breast/chest feeding and bottle feeding support and education (Stanya)
  • Ayurvedic Support with newborn care – Massaging the baby withAyurvedic natural herbal oils, bathing, diapering, calming
  • Yoga exercises to heal your pelvic floor, diastasis recti and build your strength

Book a FREE 15 Minute Discovery Call With Vaidya Shweta

Have questions or curious to know how Ayurveda can help you start your healing journey.
Let me hold your hand and help you discover a new you.


Ayurvedic Postpartum Care Package

$ 160


  • Ayurvedic Consultation: Sutika Paricharya – 60 Mins
  • Ahara Samiksha (dietary changes)
  • Vihara Samiksha (lifestyle changes)
  • Manas Chiktsa (setting the mindset)
  • Abhyanga (Ayurvedic Massage) – 30 Mins (1 session)



Ayurvedic Postpartum Care Package

$ 340


  • Ayurvedic Consultation: Sutika Paricharya – 60 Mins
  • Ahara Samiksha (dietary changes)
  • Vihara Samiksha (lifestyle changes)
  • Manas Chiktsa (setting the mindset)
  • Abhyanga (Ayurvedic Massage) – 30 Mins (3 sessions)
  • Ayurvedic breast feeding support
  • Phone and Text support for consistent guidance and mentoring



Ayurvedic Postpartum Care Package

$ 580


  • Ayurvedic Consultation: Sutika Paricharya – 60 Mins
  • Ahara Samiksha (dietary changes)
  • Vihara Samiksha (lifestyle changes)
  • Manas Chiktsa (setting the mindset)
  • Abhyanga (Ayurvedic Massage) -30
    Mins (7 sessions)
  • Ayurvedic breast feeding support
  • Phone and Text support for consistent guidance and mentoring


Why Hire Us?

Ayurvedic Healing practices have stayed for thousand of years and are time tested. We always strive hard to provide you holistic care that includes physical, emotional, spiritual, psychological and mental health. YOU are most important to us.

During these personal consultations, I encourage you to ask any questions and concerns you have about Ayurvedic Postpartum Care, breastfeeding, Ayurvedic recipes to restore your agni/fire element and strengthen your body.  I abundantly offer my extensive experience, encouragement, and inspiration, during our session. My life’s purpose and passion is helping women manifest their best birth bodies that align with your spiritual, emotional energies. That is why Ayurvedic Postpartum care practices have been used for thousand of years.

If you would like to learn more about how an Ayurvedic consultation can help you look and feel your best, reach out with your questions to info@ayushforlife.com.

How Ayurvedic body works help you heal?

Ayurveda body works include Abhyanga and Marma therapies. The Vata Dosha or the air element in the body gets imbalanced in the postpartum period. Abhyanga therapy and stimulation of vital energy points (marma) on the body makes the body more grounded and starts balancing vata dosha. The use of specific herbs infused in oils which are suited to your body type expedite the healing. This is different from conventional massage that you may fined in other clinics.

If you would like to learn more about how an Ayurvedic consultation can help you look and feel your best, reach out with your questions to info@ayushforlife.com.

Ayurveda Postpartum Care

 “I came to know about Vaidya Shweta through one of our friends and I am so happy that I met her. She is an amazing ayurvedic doctor who knows what she is doing. She helped me throughout my pregnancy and was always there whenever I needed her. I highly recommend her services..” 

 – Alipt Kaur

How it works?

Our focus is on supporting you and your family. YOU are our focus! All of our Ayurvedic Postpartum Care packages are customized to your unique needs. We are here for you.

We have supported many families and parents as they enter a new perspective of their lives. We believe in empowering you through education because the confidence in you will take care of your baby, and we are here to help you however you need us.

If you would like to learn more about how an Ayurvedic consultation can help you look and feel your best, reach out with your questions to info@ayushforlife.com.

*Medical Advice Disclaimer For Legal Purposes – THIS WEBSITE DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE, nor does Ayush for Life. The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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